How To Live Sustainably: Five Practical Ways To Reduce Your Carbon Footprint

Thus, we are always working on improving our environmental impact following the principles ‘reduce, re-use, recycle’. In order to help protect our environment, our packaging boxes are not only recyclable but they are also ultra-light and made from 100% recycled fibres. 

You can find out more about Avant Recycling Program at this here!

Avant set out to rethink skincare in a sustainable way. Our Infinite Vivifying & Replenishing Arabica Coffee Scrub embraces a greater ecosystem. 

We are all responsible for protecting our planet. Let’s all take steps today towards living a sustainable life. We can all make changes in our daily lives to reduce our carbon footprint and give back to the environment we came from.

Here are 5 steps you can make to ensure you’re thinking green every day:

1) Plant greens in your garden 

Planting luscious greens in your garden will help offload your carbon footprint, as they transfer carbon monoxide into oxygen.

Growing your own vegetables, fruit and herbs allow you to eat your own produce, letting you lead a more self-sufficient and sustainable life.

Get composting to enrich your soil and make use of your organic food waste.

2) Take public transport

Taking public transport will reduce traffic and air pollution. 

If you are able to commute to work by bus or train, then ditching your car will greatly reduce your carbon footprint. 

3) Boycott fast fashion 

Not only does fast fashion exploit workers, but it also has a detrimental effect on our environment. 

“Buying clothing, and treating it as if it is disposable, is putting a huge added weight on the environment and is simply unsustainable.”

Elizabeth L. Cline, author of Overdressed: The Shockingly High Cost in Fast Fashion

Invest in sustainable clothing brands which prioritise ethical production lines and create items that are made to last.

4) Buy local

Support your local community by buying their produce. 

Not only is local produce fresher, but most of the items sold locally also have less packaging than those at a supermarket. 

Buying locally reduces your carbon footprint as your food does not travel a long distance to reach your plates. 

5) Avoid single-use plastic

Our world is drowning in single-use plastic. 

We need to do more than switching to a keep cup and reusable water bottles in order to make a difference. 

You can write to brands which use excess plastic in their packaging, demanding they use recyclable materials. Avoid using plastic bags whilst buying loose vegetables and make your own packed lunch to reduce your waste.

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