I. Add More Vitamin D Into Your Life

Did you know that an estimated 60-70% of the British population are deficient in Vitamin D?


This unfortunately means that’s we are much more at risk of infection, cancer, and heart disease. This is why Public Health England (PHE) had updated its advice to say that adults and children should have 10mcg of Vitamin D every day.


No sun, no vitamin D, no smiles! No wonder so many of us Brits are feeling down all the time!


Vitamin D is something which can bless your body with an endless amount of benefits. It regulates the calcium and phosphate levels in the body, can aid in weight loss, boosts your immune system, reduces risk of certain cancers, reduces depression, and even has a wide range of anti-ageing properties.


Now, it might not be so easy for us to get our daily Vitamin D dosage from the sun, but that doesn’t mean that we can’t incorporate it into our lifestyles in another way to give us that extra healthy boost we all need.

Full Fat Dairy

I know this is going to sound crazy for a lot of us, but maybe it’s time to switch from the semi skimmed milk in your tea and coffee, and opt for the blue top. That’s right, full fat milk. Surprisingly, drinking full fat milk, and consuming other full fat dairy products actually helps to avoid obesity, so don’t worry about the extra calories. This includes cheese, and if you’re lactose intolerant, don’t worry, soy milk and almond milk will do the job just as well.


In 2013, the Scandinavian Journal of Primary Health Care, published their findings from a study of impact of dairy fat intake. They found that the consumption of full fat dairy products produced lower levels of central obesity (being bigger in the middle).


Walter Willett of the Harvard School of Public Health said, “the full fat version provides more satiety” means, if you drink whole milk at breakfast, for example, you’re less likely to want to pick up a donut or croissant an hour later.


Full fat dairy products contain higher levels of important vitamin D in comparison to reduced fat, which helps the body to increase in the absorption of calcium, which thus, helps aide in healthier skin, bones and muscles.


Oily fish

Salmon, mackerel, tinned tuna and canned sardines, are all excellent sources of protein, and omega-3. Fish contains large amounts of nutrients, one of the prime being vitamin D, and it has been suggested that we should be eating fish at least 3 times a week.


Egg Yolks

Eggs are one of the most diverse and useful food out there, which can be eaten at any meal of the day.  Egg yolks are jam packed with Vitamin D as well as so many other vitamins and minerals. It is actually recommended by health specialists to eat six free-range eggs a week! (Unless you have cholesterol problems as one egg contains about 200mg of cholesterol)

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