Start Your Day Right With Our Morning Routine

Though the mornings are starting to get lighter it can still be a little difficult to drag yourself out of bed from time to time, or everyday...

One thing that can be really helpful when trying to wake yourself up is having a set morning routine! 

Whether you're working from home or out saving the world, why not try our Avant morning routine to kick-start your day.

1. Stay away from the snooze button

No matter how tempting it can be, try not to press snooze on your alarm! One of the worst things you can do is dose, so try your best to get out of bed as soon as your alarm goes off. 

2. Get moving

The best way to wake yourself up is to get that blood pumping by doing a little bit of exercise. If it's not your thing to spring into a full on HIIT workout as soon as you wake up then why not try some light stretching or yoga?

3. Skincare, skincare, skincare!

Our January products of the month are all about cleansing your skin, which is conveniently a great way to start your day! Here are a few more of our favourite products that deserve to make your way into your morning routine and are guaranteed leave you looking far more awake than you may feel:

4. Fill up

You wouldn't expect your car to run on empty so you can't expect your body to either! Even if you're not the biggest breakfast fan, try your best to start the day with a healthy meal or smoothie. Not only will you feel better physically but mentally too.

5. Start your day right

Start the day as you mean to go on! It can be difficult to stay positive with everything going on in the world at the moment, but you'll be surprised how much starting your morning with a positive mindset will set the tone for the rest of the day.

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