Ambuscade 10ml
A deep fruity fragrance with a hint of spice, a spritz of Ambuscade feels right all year round. In the warm summer, it is the first sip of the coolest berry cocktail touching your lips. In the cold winter, it is the warmest spiced concoction by the fire. Its rich red colour represents strength and passion.
A deep fruity fragrance with a hint of spice, a spritz of Ambuscade feels right all year round. In the warm summer, it is the first sip of the coolest berry cocktail touching your lips. In the cold winter, it is the warmest spiced concoction by the fire. Its rich red colour represents strength and passion.
The fresh sweetness of berries will linger on your skin all day long. This is expertly mingled with the warming spice of peppercorn, creating a well rounded top note.
At its heart, you will be captured by the unique wild raspberry scent, reminiscent of those found on long walks through the forest. Combined with nutmeg, this adds a gorgeous woody feel to Ambuscade.
Violet can be found in the base notes of this perfume, bringing a whole new element of floral freshness to the delicate balance of scents.